Top reasons why we are in favour of tap water
Many people buy everyday thousands of plastic bottled water. But the production of plastic bottles alone consumes as much oil per year as would be needed to operate 1 million cars for 1 year each. In addition, 3 litres of water are used per bottle – before it is even filled. We don’t have to mention how absurd this is. The flood of plastic waste is reaching proportions that we can hardly imagine. It is therefore definitely worth investing in a reusable drinking bottle! This small but important step is also a good way to finally drink more tap water.
In recent years, more and more people are making the conscious decision to switch from bottled water to tap water. Tap water has many benefits over bottled water, including being cheaper and better for the environment, so if you’re looking to live a more sustainable lifestyle it’s important to choose tap water over bottled every time. Here are the top reasons why you should drink more tap water!

Tap Water is Cleaner Than Bottled Water
Tap water is often cleaner than bottled water. Most cities’ municipal providers are required to test their drinking-water supplies far more frequently than bottled-water suppliers must test theirs. Tap water is also treated with chlorine and other chemicals—compounds that make it safer to drink, but that don’t appear in most brands of bottled water. Some of these additives may even be good for your health, although tap and bottled waters don’t differ much in terms of overall nutrition.
Tap Water Keeps You Hydrated
Tap water contains no calories, making it an excellent alternative to calorie-laden beverages like soda and juice. Drink at least eight glasses of clean, pure tap water each day to maintain good hydration levels. If you’re on a diet or trying to lose weight, simply swap your daily carbonated beverage for pure H2O. If there’s one beverage most of us need to consume in greater quantities, it’s H2O. Did you know that by drinking an extra glass of water each day, you could burn up to 100 calories? As if losing weight wasn’t enough of a reason to indulge in a little more H2O, consider these seven other ways your body will benefit from increased consumption:
Tap Water Makes Good Coffee

Despite being relatively cheap and readily available, it is estimated that 90% of Americans are actually drinking less than half a liter of bottled water per day. If you’re one of these people and use bottled water to make your coffee or tea in the morning, then it’s time to get into glass bottles! By using reusable glass bottles instead of those plastic or styrofoam cups, not only will your wallet benefit but also our planet.
Tap Water Can Improve Home Cooking
Tap water is great for cooking with because it tastes better than bottled water and it’s very affordable. I recommend choosing a glass bottle that you can take to work, or even fill up from home and keep at your desk. Many areas have clean tap waters, so there’s no need to buy bottled. For example, New York City has a high-quality municipal supply.
Drinking tap water instead of bottled can save you a lot of money and is good for your health. Tap water comes from an established, trusted source (your local government) and doesn’t need to be transported hundreds or thousands of miles. Plus, tap water is much cheaper: On average, it costs $0.002 per gallon, while bottled costs $0.97 per gallon.
Tap Water is sustainable
Drinking tap water instead of bottled can save you a lot of money and is good for your health. Tap water comes from an established, trusted source (your local government) and doesn’t need to be transported hundreds or thousands of miles. Plus, tap water is much cheaper: On average, it costs $0.002 per gallon, while bottled costs $0.97 per gallon.
Tap Water Helps You Save Money
It’s free, and it’s healthy. If you want to lead a more sustainable lifestyle, tap water is an easy place to start. The bottles of water you get at cafes or in restaurants (not to mention those handy little single-serving bottles) might be convenient, but they’re also wasteful and expensive. If you have a water bottle on hand, you can fill it up wherever you go—and save money while doing so. For example, if you buy a case of bottled water every week at $3 per bottle, that’s $168 per year!