Privacy statement

The protection of your privacy is very important to us. In the following, we provide detailed information about the handling of your data.

Collection and dissemination of your data

In principle, you can visit our website without giving any personal details. Personal data is collected, if you want to shop, to subscribe our newsletter or to use certain functions of our website. Data input: In order to be able to order in the shop and to process your order, we need the following data of the costumer:
first name, last name, email address, street name and house number, postal code, city, country. We need the email address to be able to contact you quickly in case you have inquiries or need information regarding your order.

Use and passing on of your data

We use the data provided by you only to fulfill the contract and strictly in accordance with the statutory provisions. For this purpose, as far as necessary, your data is passed on to other enterprises, e.g. DHL. These enterprises may only use your data for the purpose of executing orders and not for other purposes and are bound by contract with us to comply with the statutory data protection provisions. In the case of a statutory provision, governmental order or official investigation proceedings we are legally obliged to provide the respective data for the authority.


We will use your email address for the purpose of sending out the newsletter only with your consent. You can cancel the subscription of the newsletter at any time by sending an email to
Use of cookies: We use cookies in order to make the visit of our website more attractive and to enable the use of certain functions. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer. Cookies remain on your computer and allow us to recognize your computer the next time you visit the website (long-term cookies). The purpose of these cookies is to store individual selections made by the visitor (e.g. items placed in the shopping cart) in order to display these selections next time when the respective page is revisited. We use cookies for the creation of non-personalized statistics. The generated cookies have an expiry time of maximum 3 months. You can set your browser to inform you when cookies are placed, to decide on the acceptance on a case-by-case basis and to exclude the acceptance of cookies. The functionality of our website can be limited if cookies are not accepted. You will find a description how to set the browser and to accept or refuse cookies under “help” in your browser.

Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analyses service of Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies”, text files which are stored on your computer and allow an analysis of the use of the website by you. The information generated by these cookies about your use of the website (including your IP Address) will be transmitted and stored on a server of Google in the United States of America. Google uses this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activities for the website owners and to provide other services related to the use of the website and the Internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties if required by law or if third parties process these data on behalf of Google. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You can prevent the installation of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser software, however, please note that if you do so you may not be able to use all functions of this website in this case. To be able to use our shopping cart, cookies must be allowed! If you do not want to accept cookies, you can also order by sending an email to Every time a file is requested in the shop the access data will be stored. All stored data that concerns you will only be evaluated for statistical purposes. A transfer to third parties by us, even as excerpts, is excluded.


Functions of the service Twitter are used on our pages. These functions are offered by Twitter Inc., Twitter, Inc. 1355 Market St, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA. When you use Twitter or the function “Re-Tweet”, the websites visited by you will be linked to your Twitter account and disclosed to other users. In the aforementioned case data will be transferred to Twitter as well. Please note that we, as the provider of the pages, do not receive any knowledge of the content of the data transmitted or the use thereof by Twitter. You can find further information on this in the data privacy statement of Twitter at You can change your privacy settings in the account settings on Twitter at


Plug-ins of the social network Facebook, 1601 South California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA are used on our pages. You can recognise Facebook plug-ins by the Facebook logo or the “Like button” (“like”) on our website. You can find an overview of Facebook plug-ins here: When you visit our pages, a direct connection between your browser and the Facebook server is established. In this way, Facebook obtains the information that you have visited our website with your IP address. If you click on the Facebook “Like button” while you are logged in to your Facebook account, you can link the contents of our pages to your Facebook profile. This allows Facebook to associate your visit on our website with your user account. Please note that we, as the provider of the pages, do not receive any knowledge of the content of the data transmitted or the use thereof by Facebook. Further information on this can be found in the privacy statement of Facebook at If you do not wish that Facebook is able to associate your visit on our pages with your Facebook user account, please log out of your Facebook user account.


Plug-ins of the social network Instagram Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, USA, are used on this website. You can recognise the Instagram plug-in by the “Instagram button” on our website. If you click on the Facebook “Instagram button” while you are logged in to your Instagram account, you can link the contents of our pages to your Instagram profile. This allows Instagram to associate your visit on our pages to with your user account. Please note that we, as the provider of the pages, do not receive any knowledge of the content of the data transmitted or the use thereof by Instagram. Further information can be found in the privacy statement of Instagram: Instagram – privacy statement:

Data security

Your contract data is transmitted over the Internet in an encrypted way. We secure our website and other systems by technical and organisational measures against loss, destruction, access, manipulation or dissemination by unauthorised persons.

Right to information

You have the right to free information about your stored data as well as you may have the right to correction, blocking or deletion of this data, if it is possible by law.

Information on data protection:

If you have any questions about the collection, processing or use of your personal data, please contact our data protection officer in writing:
Lukas Boettger, Rua Guiomar Torrezão N 21, 2765-227 Estoril, Portugal, or