Today, we are excited to share one of our personal favorites: Mixed Berry Jam. This recipe is straightforward and quick, but with fresh, seasonal fruits and a bit of care, it can become an enjoyable preserve that captures the essence of summer. 

Mixed Berry Jam Recipe

Why We Love Mixed Berry Jam

Mixed Berry Jam is a fantastic way to use seasonal fruits. Combining strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries creates a blend of flavors that are perfect for summer. The beauty of this recipe is its simplicity and the rich, vibrant taste it brings to your breakfast table or dessert menu. Using a variety of berries not only enhances the flavor but also provides a range of nutrients and antioxidants, making this jam both tasty and healthy. 


The Benefits of Homemade Jam

Making your own jam at home not only allows you to control the ingredients, ensuring no preservatives or artificial additives, but it also provides a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Homemade jams often taste fresher and more vibrant than store-bought versions because they can be tailored to your taste preferences. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to make use of seasonal fruits, reducing food waste and supporting local farmers.

Homemade jams, like our Mixed Berry Jam, are incredibly versatile. Spread it on your morning toast, mix it into yogurt, or use it as a filling for cakes and pastries. The possibilities are endless, and the joy of knowing you’ve made it yourself adds an extra layer of enjoyment. 

Ingredients and Tools


  • 1 kg mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries)
  • 500 g granulated sugar
  • Juice of one lemon


  • 250ml Pearl Jar (We used the SYMPL Sunny Cap Jar)
  • Large, heavy-bottomed pan
  • Thermometer (optional)
  • Cold plate for testing the jam setting point
  • Ladle
  • Cloth

Instructions for this jam recipe:


Step 1: Sterilize Your Jars

Sterilizing your jars is crucial to ensure your jam lasts without spoiling. Wash your Pearl Jars in warm, soapy water, rinse them well, and place them in a pot of water. Bring the water to a boil and let the jars simmer for at least 10 minutes. Keep them hot until you’re ready to use them. Proper sterilization kills any bacteria or mold spores that could spoil your jam. 

Step 2: Prepare the Berries

Thoroughly clean the berries, removing any stems or leaves. For larger strawberries, cut them into smaller pieces to ensure a uniform texture. Mixed berries provide a balanced flavor, with each type contributing its unique sweetness and tartness. If you prefer a smoother jam, you can lightly mash the berries before cooking. 

Step 3: Cook the Jam

In a large, heavy-bottomed pan, combine the prepared berries, sugar, and lemon juice. Heat gently while stirring to dissolve the sugar completely. Once dissolved, bring the mixture to a boil and cook rapidly until it reaches the setting point, typically 105˚C (221˚F) if you’re using a thermometer. This process usually takes 15-20 minutes but can vary. Stir frequently to prevent sticking and burning. 

Step 4: Test the Jam

To test if your jam has reached its setting point, place a small amount on a cold plate. If it wrinkles when pushed with a finger, it’s ready. This method ensures your jam has the right consistency. Another method is to use a spoon to lift some jam and let it drip; if it forms a thick, steady stream, it’s ready.

Step 5: Jar the Jam

Carefully ladle the hot jam into the sterilized Pearl Jars, leaving a small space at the top. Whip the rims with a clean cloth to remove any residue, place the sterilized lids on top, and seal the jars while still hot. The heat will create a vacuum seal as the jam cools, preserving it for months. 

Mixed Berry Jam Recipe

Step 6: Allow the jars to cool at room temperature.

Once cool, check the seals by pressing the lids; they should not pop. Store your jars in a cool, dark place, and enjoy your homemade Mixed Berry Jam throughout the year. Properly sealed jars can last up to a year in the pantry. 



Tips for Perfect Jam

Use seasonal fruits:

The best jams come from the freshest fruits. Visit your local farmers’ market to get the freshest berries. 

Balance the Sugar:

Adjust the sugar based on the sweetness of your berries. Taste the mixture before boiling and add more sugar if needed. For a lower-sugar option, consider using a jam-setting mix that requires less sugar. 


Never skip the sterilization process. It’s vital for preventing bacteria and ensuring your jam lasts as long as possible. 


If you prefer a firmer jam, you can add a commercial pectin product, following the instructions on the package. Pectin is a natural gelling agent found in fruits. 

Flavor Variations:

Experiment with adding spices like cinnamon or vanilla, or even a splash of balsamic vinegar for a gourmet touch. 

Why Use Our Jars? 

Our Pearl Jars are designed for perfect preservation. With their airtight seals and durable glass, they ensure your jam stays fresh and delicious. They are versatile, suitable for canning, preserving, storage, fermenting, and sprouting. Pearl Jars are also aesthetically pleasing, making them perfect for gifting your homemade creations.


Making Mixed Berry Jam is a wonderful way to preserve the flavors of summer and enjoy the year-round. With this simple recipe, you can create a delicious, homemade jam that’s perfect for spreading on pancakes, toast, waffles, and more. Remember, the secret to the best jams is using fresh, seasonal fruits. So grab your canning jars and get started on this delightful canning adventure!


For more recipes and canning tips, follow Pearl Jars on Instagram and join our community of flavor lovers. Share your creations with us using the hashtag #PearlJars and let’s celebrate the joy of homemade goodness together. Happy Canning!

July 22, 2024

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